When a natural disaster happens, you want to be sure your property insurance claim is not denied. What are the best ways to prevent this possibility? By following these six tips and working with your insurance company’s claim service, you should be on your way to getting the money you need to fix the damage to your home.
Pay Your Premiums
Your insurance company won’t pay you a dime if you are not current on your premiums. Always make your payments on time and in full. The claims handling process will be much more seamless between your professional claim adjuster assigned by your insurance company and you, the insured, if your premiums are paid.
File Promptly
Insurance companies require you to file and document your case in a timely manner. Start taking pictures and writing down any damages immediately after it happens to avoid deadline issues. Your insurance company’s claim service will help you make official documentation of damage after your initial filing. Your insurance company should partner with an expert claims management company that will ensure the process is efficient and accurate the first time!
Don’t Make False Claims
The professional claim service that works for your insurance company will be investigating your losses, so make sure you can back up any claims you’re making. If the independent claims adjuster finds that something doesn’t match up, your claim could be denied. Be open and honest with your adjuster.
Get Sufficient Damage Documentation
It’s your job to prove your claim to the insurance company. Remember that they’ll only pay out what they deem necessary and fair. It is not their responsibility to prove the property loss claim to themselves. Take photos of the aftermath and write down everything you can to help serve as proof. The independent adjuster from the professional claim service can then make sure everything makes it into your file.
Prevent Further Damage
As the insured party, you are responsible for protecting your property once damage happens to prevent further loss. You can do this by covering a hole in your roof with a tarp or boarding up broken windows to keep rain and wild animals out. Allowing additional damages to occur due to negligence may result in denial of your claim.
Know What Your Policy Exclusions Are
All insurance policies are different. Some exclude certain situations that may be covered by others. Always be sure that you know what’s included in your insurance policy and be sure you and your insurance adjuster are working off of the same document. This way you can work together to ensure the claim is handled properly and professionally.
When disaster strikes, you want to know that your insurance will cover your losses. These six tips will keep the process moving forward and will hopefully prevent any extraneous claim denials.
For more information regarding independent claims management and property loss claims – contact Action Claim Service today! Call: 888-691-1095 | Email: info@actionclaimservice.com