4 Reasons Why You Should Hire A Property Claims Management Company

Property damage due to natural catastrophes and accidents is a major expense and it takes a heavy toll on your family and personal well-being, not to mention finances. If you are smart and well-prepared, then your property is most-likely covered by insurance. If any property damage that occurred was caused by specific events and instances…


Weather Related Events Increase Insurance Fraud

Arkansas ranks within the top 10 states for major disaster declarations. When we think of weather-related events, insurance fraud isn’t the first thing to come to mind. Instead, we worry about damaged homes, lives lost, uprooted families, ruined businesses, and destroyed cities and towns. But after a weather-related event is over, insurance fraud often rears…


The Relationship Between the Insurance Company and the Independent Claims Adjuster

As an insurance company during catastrophic events, you may not have enough claims adjusters to handle the increased demand. This is when hiring insurance claims processing services can be helpful. Not only do they help you move through the mountain of paperwork, but they also keep your customers happy. If you’re not sure how insurance…


Qualities Your Insurance Company Should Look for in a Professional Claims Adjuster

When trying to find a good professional claims adjuster, there are many qualities you should look for. The job requires a variety of different skills to be successful. To ensure your relationship with a claims assistance professional will endure, look for the following qualities. Honesty As an insurance adjuster, a person has a lot of…


Using Independent Adjusters to Assist With Risk Management

In today’s competitive and complex business world, risk management can be essential for a company to survive. Risk analysis can help identify the perils a business is exposed to and create the best insurance coverage to prevent losses from these perils when the unthinkable happens. Most modern businesses know that risk analysis is just as…


How an Independent Claims Management Company Can Be Invaluable for Property Damage Claims

Because property damage can be a heavy expense, most people purchase insurance to cover their assets. As long as the damage was caused by a covered peril, the policy holder should expect to get proper compensation for their residential or commercial property in exchange for their monthly premiums. However, before a claim on property can…


Using a Third Party Administrator to Handle Your Company’s Liability Claims

Third party administrators (TPAs) offer services to the insurance industry to expedite claims and provide efficient and personable customer service. Our team handles claims involving personal and bodily injuries that can stem from negligence or a faulty product or service, as well as casualty and property damage. We also manage legal professional liability insurance, workers’…
