What is a Third-Party Administrator (TPA)?

A third-party administrator is a company that provides operational services such as claims processing and management under contract to another company. Insurance companies and self-insured companies often outsource their claims processing to third parties. Thus, such companies are often called third-party claims administrators. The use of third-party administrators is now common in many businesses, and…

Does your TPA provide an Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) ??

Providing a safe working environment for your employees starts with your Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) coupled with a TPA that gets the big picture.  An IIPP is a written safety plan that helps you find and fix hazards in the workplace, before anyone is hurt. In California, the IIPP has been a legal…

Cutting-Edge Claims Administration

Action Claims Administrators is the Third Party Administrator (TPA) division of Action Claim Service (ACS). Given the success of ACS, a spinoff into the TPA side of things was a natural progression. ACS was launched by Michael Mann in 2004 after an excellent career as a large loss adjuster for a nationwide independent firm. The…

4C’s of Action Tribal Administrators

Action Tribal Administrators (ATA) is a boutique TPA that specializes in workers’ compensation and liability claims for sovereign nations.  During this difficult time, ATA knows how important the 4C’s are in creating a partnership that is right for you.  Contact us today at 1-918-215-4020 or visit www.actiontribaladministrators.com

Where to begin when choosing or switching to a new TPA…

Whether you are just starting your self-insured claims program or have decided it is time for a switch to a new third party administrator (TPA), the selection of the new TPA is one of the most important decisions you can make in the administration of your self-insured program. Employers switching TPAs often ask questions of…

Mitigate Risk words on clock to illustrate reducing dangers, hazards, liabilities or cause for injury or damages at a company, worksite or public place

Workers’ Compensation 2021 and Beyond

It is crucial for your organization to develop and maintain an effective workers’ compensation program.  Easier said than done right?    To ensure a successful program, it’s important to stay up to date on the latest workers’ compensation trends. In doing so, your organization will have the information needed to respond appropriately and make any…


Many rеntеrѕ dоn’t fееl they have a lot оf реrѕоnаl рrореrtу, so ԛuеѕtіоn thе necessity оf рrоtесtіng thеѕе аѕѕеtѕ. However, whether уоu lіvе іn a large rеntаl house оr ѕmаll ѕtudіо apartment, you mоѕt lіkеlу hаvе mоrе than уоu realize. Thіѕ means іt’ѕ bеѕt tо hаvе renters іnѕurаnсе аnd аlѕо аn іnvеntоrу of уоur belongings…

COVID-19 and Workers’ Compensation: What You Need to Know

The NCCI has received numerous questions in the last few weeks regarding COVID-19 and the impact it may have on the workers compensation industry. These frequently asked questions (FAQs) are intended to be the start of a series of responses that will address questions NCCI receives. Please review NCCI’s Basic Manual for Workers Compensation and Employers…

COVID-19 and Claims Administration (4C’s)

During these times, we realize how important 4C’s are in creating a partnership that is right for your business and it’s employees.  Action Claims Administrators leads the industry in providing Convenience and Communication along with cutting-edge claims administration you can have Confidence in at a Cost that is more than competitive.