Providing a safe working environment for your employees starts with your Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) coupled with a TPA that gets the big picture. An IIPP is a written safety plan that helps you find and fix hazards in the workplace, before anyone is hurt. In California, the IIPP has been a legal requirement since 1991. Five years after implementing the requirement, California experienced a 25 percent decrease in occupational injuries and illnesses. Companies that implement an IIPP along with a TPA that can adapt to the program saw injury rates were 31 percent below the national average.
Studies indicate that a safer workplace can also lead to happier workers, higher employee retention rate, and an improved bottom line. Not only that, the financial costs associated with injured or sick workers also goes down.
Not only can Action Claims Administrators (ACA) manage your claims better than the competition, they can also assist in creating your companies IIPP free of charge. Contact Chad Alexander for more details.