Tired of attending claim reviews with cookie cutter action plans?

Tired of attending claim reviews with cookie cutter action plans? Action Claims Administrators, all of our #action plans are vetted and specific to the individual needs of each claim. After all, claims are more than claim numbers, they are your injured workers, someone’s spouse, father, mother, sister, or brother. They deserve more than cookie cutter service.…

The Ultimate Workers’ Compensation Benefits Guide for Americans

  What is Workers Compensation Workers’ compensation, also referred to as workers comp, is a type of insurance that employers provide to employees. This form of insurance offers employees that were injured on-the-job wage replacement and medical benefits. However, this occurs in exchange for compulsory relinquishment of their right to sue their employer for negligence.…

What is a Third-Party Administrator (TPA)?

A third-party administrator is a company that provides operational services such as claims processing and management under contract to another company. Insurance companies and self-insured companies often outsource their claims processing to third parties. Thus, such companies are often called third-party claims administrators. The use of third-party administrators is now common in many businesses, and…

Mitigate Risk words on clock to illustrate reducing dangers, hazards, liabilities or cause for injury or damages at a company, worksite or public place

Workers’ Compensation 2021 and Beyond

It is crucial for your organization to develop and maintain an effective workers’ compensation program.  Easier said than done right?    To ensure a successful program, it’s important to stay up to date on the latest workers’ compensation trends. In doing so, your organization will have the information needed to respond appropriately and make any…

COVID-19 and Claims Administration (4C’s)

During these times, we realize how important 4C’s are in creating a partnership that is right for your business and it’s employees.  Action Claims Administrators leads the industry in providing Convenience and Communication along with cutting-edge claims administration you can have Confidence in at a Cost that is more than competitive.  

medical and health practitioners

The Benefits of Using a TPA for your Company’s Medical Claims Management

Employers and insurance companies have to deal with the responsibility of handling health insurance administration on top of their usual daily duties. Managing a business is hard enough without sorting through claims. The in-depth process can be a drain on the resources within your company’s human resources department. Instead, try hiring a third-party medical claims…